Istantanee, poesie e racconti

Categoria: Progetti fotografici

Sentimenti e stati d’animo (Anno 2024)

Classico urbano

Visioni Urbane

55 years old (Anno 2023)

At the age of 55 I realize that something is no longer the same as before.
My thoughts often go back to the past, when I was young, to people who aren’t here anymore.
The body reacts differently.
For the first time, I’m afraid of getting old and sick and I’am afraid to suffer.
The future worries me!

Home sweet home (Anno 2021)

“Home is the place where most couples share behaviours and they everyday life giving a sweet taste to its own life.
But what happens if suddendly, for any reason, one of the two remains alone?
The same house quickly turns into a prison and the taste of life suddendly became a very bitter taste”

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